Green news and views
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Latest Sustainable living posts in London
- Global action plan by duncan, 746 days ago Just found about out this today, from a friend: "Global Action Plan is the practical environmental charity that helps people to make positive ch...
- Monbiot on climate change by duncan, 652 days ago George Monbiot is always a thoughtful writer and over the last few weeks his been writing about green issues in some depth. Not only is he a decent...
- Earthday quiz by duncan, 631 days ago This is a neat quiz that you can take in a couple of minutes. Apparently, if everyone lived like me we'd need 3.4 planets. Ouch :(
- Sustainable living festival by duncan, 521 days ago
- Natural strategies group by greenguy, 470 days ago
- The green show by ecosrights, 63 days ago
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