Scotland May Support Renewable Energy
Posted by fishtail1776, 508 days ago

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Akamuti by Anonymous
Reading article "Scotland May Support Renewable Energy" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
I just learned of a new plan for Scotland to support renewable energy usage for the areas of Shetland, Orkney, and the Western Isles, as well as all over the U.K., Ireland, and Scandinavia.
I wonder what you think of this? You can refer to the above link to find out more information. I always have supported renewable energy myself, and have always wanted to have a renewable energy source. In fact, when I was working with a bunch of tree-huggers for an environmental organization here in the U.S. I had gone to a renewable energy fair.
I was fascinated at the time seeing cars fueled by wood, and homes built entirely on solar power. It would be amazing if all this could be a reality. I would support this wherever. It would be nice if the world supported more useful projects such as these and threw out other projects not so beneficial to the general public (of course that is a matter of opinion).
Information regarding this actually originated from the London Times, just so you know.I took the information from an American website though.
I just learned of a new plan for Scotland to support renewable energy usage for the areas of Shetland, Orkney, and the Western Isles, as well as all over the U.K., Ireland, and Scandinavia.
I wonder what you think of this? You can refer to the above link to find out more information. I always have supported renewable energy myself, and have always wanted to have a renewable energy source. In fact, when I was working with a bunch of tree-huggers for an environmental organization here in the U.S. I had gone to a renewable energy fair.
I was fascinated at the time seeing cars fueled by wood, and homes built entirely on solar power. It would be amazing if all this could be a reality. I would support this wherever. It would be nice if the world supported more useful projects such as these and threw out other projects not so beneficial to the general public (of course that is a matter of opinion).
Information regarding this actually originated from the London Times, just so you know.I took the information from an American website though.

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It really does make sense that they do this as it's a wild and windy place on some of the islands - they've got wind and wave energy inabundance, so make the most of it.
Personally I think that there should be more wind farms in the UK in general - I certainly wouldn't be put off by there being one near me (if I lived in the country that is) as the turbines can be very elegant. Anyone who's been to the south of Spain (near Tarifa) where there are hundreds of turbines must agree that they are very graceful items. If we want the world to have a future, then we have to be prepared to have turbines, even if they are on our doorstep.
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