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Traditional Toys

Posted by suttree, 858 days ago

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Reading article "Traditional Toys" - Reply to this / 5 comment(s)
Nice toy shop full of tradional toys.


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  1. wow... by Thumperfive, 852 days ago

    brings a tear to me eye to see some of the golden oldies still out there... drag your kids away from the video and the telly and show them something that's FUN for a change!

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  2. really great by geline, 844 days ago

    amazing! in this world of high tech gadgets, computers, there are traditional toys that we used to play with before that are still on the market... it helps me reminisce the good old days... :)

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  3. wow by ninikins, 843 days ago

    what a wonderful site! thanks so much for the link. I could browse there for hours!

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  4. Yes by Green Diva, 840 days ago

    Too many kids spend their lives in front of the TV and not oustide or playing and using their imaginations. Thanks for the link! Great site...

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  5. play by ninikins, 833 days ago

    kids really should not spend more than 10% of their time watching telly, there are more e3ducational and more fun things to do

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