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Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete

Posted by ecosrights, 543 days ago

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Reading event "Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete" - Reply to this / 21 comment(s)
Please see the comments below - this year it's not Fruitstock as we know it, but a village fete.

OK, the website isn't up yet, but I've managed to track down the date. This year the brilliant, green music festival Fruitstock is not taking place instead, Innocent Village Fete, takes place on the 4th and 5th August

All reports I heard of it last year were great - not just the music, but the organisation and the whole ethos behind it. They provided more recycling points than bins, lots of bike parking space, planted trees to offset CO2 emissions, made sure all disposables were made from recycled materials ... this is just part of what they did, and of course it is all backed by Innocent, who make great healthy smoothies.


Start date Start date: Sat Aug 04, 2007
End date End date: Sun Aug 05, 2007

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  1. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 538 days ago

    Your right it was great last year and totally up for it again this year!

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  2. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by happy2bg33k, 537 days ago

    I've never heard of Fruitstock. What's it all about? Please do post the website address when you come across it, thanks!

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  3. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 537 days ago

    It takes place over a weekend so this date is wrong

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  4. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by RoxyMoron, 536 days ago

    Oh that sounds like fun...I sure wish we had something like this where we lived. It'd be great to do something for a community I've lived in for so long.

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  5. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 532 days ago

    the 27th is a monday...........

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 474 days ago

      it's a bank holiday monday though so it's pretty much still the weekend

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  6. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by EviesEarth, 532 days ago

    Same here, I would love something like this in our community! Looking forward to checking out the site. Maybe can get some ideas to get the ball rolling in our own communities.

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  7. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by jane, 532 days ago

    I'm checking on the date and will update this post accordingly.

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  8. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 528 days ago

    They've stopped fruitstock and are doing village fete themed things instead all over the UK. More family orientated and won't be nearly as fun. The london fete will be in regents park first weekend of August. Last year was ace. its a shame.

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 by ecosrights, 528 days ago

      Thanks for the info. I'll keep an eye out and update the info here. It's good to know that they are going national - more people can participate with less travelling.

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  9. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 504 days ago

    sorry to disappoint folks but info here is wrong on 2 counts... dates. is always first weekend in Aug, 2nd its not fruitstock this yr its a 'village fete' as it got too big n popular for its own good last year. was more like a full on festival vibe rather than a chilled out relaxed event for londoners. you couldnt move and was hard work just moving round the site.

    ah well, trust me was good whil eit lasted...

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 by ecosrights, 504 days ago

      can anyone provide any information on the festivals that are taking place in lieu of Fruitstock? We get a lot of readers on this site and we'd like to keep the information up to date.


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  10. Re: Fruitstock 2007 by ecosrights, 501 days ago

    OK, I've had the official line from Innocent. Here it is:

    This year Fruitstock is taking a little break. In its place we're holding the first ever innocent village fete. It will be in Regent's Park (the usual spot) on Saturday 4th and Sunday 5th August.

    Sticking with tradition, there will be wonderful food stalls, including home-made cake stands and a farmers market, welly-wanging, coconut shies, fruit and veg competitions, Morris dancers and lots of lovely bunting. We will still be having some great music acts (of all kinds) and some brilliant comedy, but there will be no main stage this time.

    There'll be plenty of other fun family activities for kids and grown ups alike, including fancy dress, arts and crafts, places to rest and relax, a knitting tent and of course, lots of space to put down a rug and enjoy a family picnic. There'll be plenty of smoothies to try too.

    Tickets will be going on sale at the beginning of June. They will cost £5 and we'll be donating the profits to charity.

    Thanks to Lucinda for sending it through to me.

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 by Anonymous, 494 days ago

      Does anyone know if there will be a hed kandi tent this year ?? cheers

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  11. Re: Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete by Anonymous, 499 days ago

    please make this date wrong, i'll be away at the time. someone please reveal some kind of error

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete by ecosrights, 499 days ago

      No, I'm sorry, but 4th and 5th Aug is the time that Lucinda, from Innocent, confirmed the date to be

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  12. Re: Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete by Anonymous, 491 days ago

    the date you mention for fruitstock is wrong. I believe it to be the 4th (sat) and 5th(sund) August

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete by ecosrights, 491 days ago

      Yes, that is the date that is in the listing at the top of the page. Initially we had other information, but it has since been updated. It isn't a conventional Fruitstock this year, but a village fete.

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  13. Re: Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete by Anonymous, 488 days ago

    Hello, my name is Dan and I work at innocent. The village fete site is up and running an innocentvillagefete.com - all the info you need is there. See you in the park.

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    1. Re: Re: Fruitstock 2007 - Village Fete by Anonymous, 481 days ago

      Hi Dan
      Just a quick query with regards to your comments - can you please confirm what type of music marquees will there be this year - we have been going for the past 3-4 years and there is normally a hed kandi tent, can you please advise if anything like that will be on this year -
      Cheers Kerry

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  14. The music at Innocent's Village Fete in London by ecosrights, 461 days ago

    I've noticed a few comments re what music will there be, plus of course people are disappointed re it not being a music festival this year.

    Take heart though as there will be music at the fete and the line up has just been announced here:

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