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Shorne Wood Country Park

Posted by carpas, 595 days ago

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Reading article "Shorne Wood Country Park" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Shorne Wood Country Park is a wonderful place to visit with your family. It has lovely walks and a number of good picnic areas. There are enough playing areas for the kids and at certain times of the year they have events on for children and adults. Reply to this


  1. Web site by suttree, 588 days ago

    Is this is?


    Looks like a very nice place to go for walks.

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  2. Re: Shorne Wood Country Park by duncan, 568 days ago

    There's an article about Shorne Wood in the local paper this week. It sounds like a very interesting visitor centre, here are the best bits:

    "It's located between Gravesend and Rochester on the A2.

    It's an ancient woodland, with heathland, meadows and a clay pit.

    The arboretum contains almost every species of native tree found in Kent.

    Archaelogical excavations are planned to unearth a manor house, bronze age barrow, Roman road and 19th century carriage route.

    The park is open daily from 9am until dusk."

    Shorne Wood is an area of outstanding natural beauty and the visitor centre is very eco friendly. They recycle grey water, make use of a wind turbine and solar roof too. As part of the new scheme to make the area more attractive, there are plans for wheelchair access and trails for baby buggies too. On top of that, there's a sensory garden, lakes, ponds and other marked trails.

    To be honest, I'd not heard of Shorne Wood before reading about this, but I'd very intrigued now.

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  3. Re: Shorne Wood Country Park by jane, 13 days ago

    There's a lot more information here

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