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Recycling points in Dartford

Posted by jane, 881 days ago

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Reading article "Recycling points in Dartford" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
plus what can / can't be put in your black box.

I have to say that although they don't compost or take glass, the recycling here in Dartford has to be one of the easiest around. Yes, I prefered it when you just used the clear bags (fewer boxes outside the door) but still... it's nice and easy and quick. If only more people used it.


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  1. If only more people by ecosrights, 881 days ago

    used their black box correctly - I was horrified yesterday to see someone putting polystyrene into their black box and then plastic bags into their normal bin - one of the acts was bad enough, but both! I was VERY close to saying something, but looking at the person doing it, I didn't fancy my chances of the message getting through without abuse!

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    1. Re: If only more people by jhoffman, 881 days ago

      Black box, I'm gonna guess, is like the green boxes we have here.

      My household are crazily anal about what can go in the green box and what can't. It seems really petty and silly, but when you think about it - it's a really good thing. It makes recycling accessible.

      But really, yeah - the council should post a leaflet of these guidelines to the houses with black boxes so people know what can/cannot recycle.

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      1. Re: Re: If only more people by jane, 880 days ago

        We've even got our 2 year old learning what goes where...he's not doing badly either! He knows paper goes in the recycling bin (not that he realises what it is yet though) and that his banana skins go in the green bin next to the sink to go in the garden....

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        1. Re: Re: Re: If only more people by jhoffman, 880 days ago

          Aww - see that's very sweet, and it also gets him into good habits of recycling. They should encourage recycling more in schools (I know that we waste a lot of paper in my school, too).

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