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Springfield Lodge nursery

Posted by ecosrights, 964 days ago

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Reading article "Springfield Lodge nursery" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
A great nursery and after school care centre.
Our son moved there from another nursery when he was 1 year old, and we certainly haven't regretted it. They deal really well with his allergies - not making a fuss of him, but making sure he's safe and ensuring that he doesn't miss out on any of the activities because of it. We'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a nursery for their child


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  1. Facilities by ecosrights, 964 days ago

    They've got a great building in Dartford - it's only a couple of years old - with lots of space - a room per class (each of which is about 6 months in age span), a big hall to play in if the weather is poor, large kitchen (they prepare everything on site, with food from local farms!), a play ground space (with all weather surface) and an enormous garden. They even take the kids to walk around the local lake sometimes and feed the ducks.

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