Hmmm... Dartford
Posted by ecosrights, 964 days ago
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Reading article "Hmmm... Dartford" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Well, I have to say that when you think of Dartford it's not the most inspiring of places to live, but once you've been here a while you realise all of the benefits.
From a practical perspective there's the train station, which is only 40 mins from Charing Cross, so it's easy to commute, then the price of houses - it's more affordable than places closer to London. I find that I don't need to use the car at weekends unless we are going further afield to see people or specific places - supermarkets are all within walking distance, plus a great healthfood shop, markets on a Thursday and Saturday, library, swimming pool and lots of gyms. There's loads of choice all within about a square mile (if that) and there's Central Park with a decent play area with sections for different ages of kids (plus Dartford Harriers).
It's also easy to get out and about. there must be at least a dozen National trust or English Heritage places around here (within an hour, tops) to visit (see and - chose the locations link).
We've often considered moving elsewhere - somewhere smarter, less industrious... but we always end up staying here. Time will tell when it comes to looking for primary schools (for some reason they aren't great, but secondary are - it never makes much sense to me how that can happen!)
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Well, I have to say that when you think of Dartford it's not the most inspiring of places to live, but once you've been here a while you realise all of the benefits.
From a practical perspective there's the train station, which is only 40 mins from Charing Cross, so it's easy to commute, then the price of houses - it's more affordable than places closer to London. I find that I don't need to use the car at weekends unless we are going further afield to see people or specific places - supermarkets are all within walking distance, plus a great healthfood shop, markets on a Thursday and Saturday, library, swimming pool and lots of gyms. There's loads of choice all within about a square mile (if that) and there's Central Park with a decent play area with sections for different ages of kids (plus Dartford Harriers).
It's also easy to get out and about. there must be at least a dozen National trust or English Heritage places around here (within an hour, tops) to visit (see and - chose the locations link).
We've often considered moving elsewhere - somewhere smarter, less industrious... but we always end up staying here. Time will tell when it comes to looking for primary schools (for some reason they aren't great, but secondary are - it never makes much sense to me how that can happen!)
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I've been commenting elsewhere about how easy the recycling is here in Dartford, yet it appears I haven't done so on here!
Of all of the recycling schemes I've experienced / come across, I think that Dartford's has to be the easiest. First of all there is no sorting involved - initially we just put everything (paper, cardboard, plastic bottles and cartons, foil and cans) into a plastic bag and it went into the bin for collection on the same day as the main rubbish.
This was so successful that they introduced black boxes instead (flats still have bags) .... same rules applied. And now, following on from a recent vote, they have decided to replace the boxes with a large black wheelie bin and the boxes are to be for glass (the main thing that was lacking). The recycling will only be collected fortnightly, but hopefully with such a large recepticle to put it in, that wont be an issue.
It's quick and easy, which is the most important thing about the recycling. I just hope that the bin men will use their initiative and take recycling bins that are not at the end of the drive ready to collect as I'm bound to get the weeks wrong!
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