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Posted by happy2bg33k, 638 days ago

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Reading article "Woodstock" - Reply to this / 6 comment(s)
Woodstock, NY (the home of the 1969 festival) has just adopted a very stringent policy on auto emissions. Residents will only be allowed to have cars if they can prove they are contribute cleanly to the environment. Reply to this


  1. Re: Woodstock by ecosrights, 638 days ago


    Have you any links about this - it's certainly an impressive stance to take. I'd certainly welcome a move like this in the UK. I think that many of the moves to discourage use of fuel guzzlers is too "softly softly" (e.g. if you can afford to buy and run a 4*4 then you can afford the £400 car tax a year as opposed to the standard £170+) although there would be immense uproar.

    I think that car manufacturers need to take a really solid stance on this and focus on making cars as efficient as possible and hiking prices on inefficient cars even more (if people really want them, they'll pay almost anything)

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    1. Re: Re: Woodstock by happy2bg33k, 632 days ago

      I do have a link to the CNN story I read about it. It's a very progressive and admirable endeavor:

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  2. Re: Woodstock by EviesEarth, 632 days ago

    Wow, this is awesome! Maybe some other states and cities will adopt similar policies.
    Something like this would also encourage others to use public transportation and to carpool.

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  3. Re: Woodstock by happy2bg33k, 631 days ago

    I think carpooling is the key to beginning to reduce auto emissions. It's amazing how many cars there are in the world and how many of those cars only carry one person when they are going somewhere.

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  4. Re: Woodstock by RoxyMoron, 630 days ago

    So is Woodstock a very "natural" town? Not necessarily to say it's run by hippies but very health and environmentally concerned? If so, it sounds like a pleasant place :)

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    1. Re: Re: Woodstock by happy2bg33k, 629 days ago

      It's lovely! Very laid back and has a beautiful arts community. I would love to be able to spend more time there, maybe my retirement years?

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