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The Green Providers Directory

Posted by ecosrights, 241 days ago

If you want to learn about organic food, diapers/nappies or just how to be green then why not join today?

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Reading article "The Green Providers Directory" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
The Green Providers Directory is the UK's leading resource for finding green, organic and fair trade products and services.

From their site:

"We are a not-for-profit directory whose aim is to encourage more people to buy from ethical and sustainable sources. All the companies listed in our directory have been vetted so that you can be sure of their eco-friendly credentials.

We provide links to fair trade clothing, organic health & beauty products, gifts & household goods, renewable energy suppliers and services such as carbon offsetting, sustainable building and much more. We also provide advice, tips, news and blogs on green issues, recycling, energy efficiency and climate change."

So definitely a resource worth checking out if your looking for info...


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  1. Re: The Green Providers Directory by jane, 37 days ago

    The Green Providers Directory have just been in contact with a new link:


    This is their new URL.

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