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Green Taxi Service

Posted by greeniac, 414 days ago

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Reading article "Green Taxi Service" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Once upon a time there was a company called Carmic Cars, thought to be the most ecologically sound car service in the UK. They only used hybrid cars and then offset 250% of their emissions, green and clean. However, Carmic Cars are becoming Carmic Green and are getting better and better; they have Nintendo’s in each car, free bottled water, a plug in for an iPod to play through the car stereo and a selection of the latest magazines such as Vanity Fair and Esquire in each car.
They’re a great company and allow their clients to be greener while simply conducting themselves as before. Check them out on www.carmicgreen.com
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  1. Re: Green Taxi Service by TheVille, 368 days ago

    Oh dear not this again!

    Bottled water green ??
    Nintendos green ??
    iPods green ??
    All this 'free' stuff is a tremendous cost to the environment.

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    1. Re: Re: Green Taxi Service by Anonymous, 71 days ago

      I totally agree, whats green about putting bottled water in the taxi. A selection of magazines in each taxi....definately getting greener there. The car might be greener but the company isnt greener at all. Shame on them!!!

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