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Posted by suttree, 575 days ago

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Reading article "wattson" - Reply to this / 9 comment(s)
This is quite possible the best thing I've ever found - you have to take a look at it.

http://www.diykyoto.com/ (click on the wattson tab towards the top of the page)

The wattson is a neat looking device that you can install at home 'in seconds' that measures how much electricity your house is using. As the website says, "electricity changes from being an invisible, intangible idea, into a visible, tangible entity with real and quantifiable consequences for using it." Of course, it helps that the device looks like its been designed by Apple - it's sleek, white and very futuristic. It'll definitely compliment all those clean lines we've been designing into our homes over the last couple of years.


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  1. Innovative design by jane, 575 days ago

    It's a great idea and as you say, it looks good (sit the mac mini under it!!!)
    I can just see people installing it then going around the house turning appliances on and off... the big challenge would be to get as near to 0 consumption as possible before going to bed - just the fridge and freezer in operation.

    It's a great idea to really make you aware of your energy consumption - who looks at the meter except for reading time???

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  2. :o by ninikins, 575 days ago

    I love this! What a great device. it would be so helpful, I could definitely see myself using this.

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    1. Re: :o by JoP, 575 days ago

      what a brilliant invention! Every home should have one!!

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  3. Electrisave by suttree, 569 days ago

    This looks like a cheaper option:


    Not as nice looking though, much more functional.

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  4. Re: wattson by duncan, 542 days ago

    There's an EU proposal to fit Smart Meters in our homes too:


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  5. Re: wattson by duncan, 525 days ago

    The Design Council in the UK has a similar idea to the Wattson too:


    And a whole host of evenry related ideas for the home here, most of which are worth your vote:


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  6. Re: wattson by Paul, 497 days ago

    This looks quite nice - does anyone own one of these yet???

    I would like to know more about this product.

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    1. Re: Re: wattson by duncan, 497 days ago

      Hello Paul, welcome to ecolocal!

      They're too expensive for me. This looks like the cheaper option, but I think we'll see more of these devices in the next 12 - 18 months, so maybe waiting a little bit would be the wisest money-saving choice ;)

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  7. Re: wattson by duncan, 434 days ago

    Good news for those of us in the UK, there are some Wattson-like devices being trialled in homes right now!

    If any of the power companies in the south-east need traillists, you know where I am ;-)

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