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Unaffordable Fuel Prices

Posted by Laura, 886 days ago

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Reading article "Unaffordable Fuel Prices" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
Over the weekend, I was travelling throught the North of England and noticed that some fuel stations were charging 99.9p per litre for petrol. Petrol prices are reaching an unaffordable limit. Why are more people not converting their cars to alternative fuels? Better for the environment and better for your wallet!


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  1. Re: Unaffordable Fuel Prices by jane, 886 days ago

    how does fuel consumption compare between an LPG and conventional petrol car?

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  2. Re: Jane by Laura, 886 days ago

    Well Jane, is it really about fuel consumption? Or is it about emissions per mile rather than cost per mile? The difference in emissions is amazing, click here to calculate your own emissions and compare these with the emissions of your car if you converted to LPG.

    Fuel consumption is only marginally less and you still get more miles for the same cost out of LPG. For example, Petrol costs 14p per mile compared with LPG which costs 8p per mile so if you were getting 32mpg from petrol is would cost you £4.48 per gallon. And say LPG only gave you 25mpg is would cost £2 per gallon of fuel. That's still a big saving!

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    1. Re: Re: Jane by ecosrights, 886 days ago

      Thanks Laura - the cost per mile all helps in the decision making process as it contributes to pay back time if we were to go for a conversion. It's good to know that it's not only better from an environmental perspective, but also £. (Backs up the theory of the BSI guy when talking about ISO14001 - it shouldn't just save the environment, but money as well)

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  3. Re: Unaffordable Fuel Prices by jack, 819 days ago

    As a cyclist all i can say is HURRAY, the only way to stop the insanity on our roads is to put private transport beyond the means of fat joe public, if they must have independance let them have Electric Bikes. For £300 you can have a 36 volt, 200 watt motor that will bowl you along at 15mph, and with a little help from the pedals, you can go a little faster, and the heart benefits as well as your waistline. .

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