Posted by suttree, 946 days ago

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Reading article "Throwplace" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
Throwplace is a bit like Freecycle, but with the option to donate to charity. It's a website that looks like it helps you get rid of 'stuff'. Given the number of times I've moved house, I've seen how much clutter can accumulate in the loft, so services like this are ideal.
It's a really good example of 'joined up' thinking too - putting people in touch with organistations that are otherwise too difficult to establish a rapport with. It's an introductory service just like eBay is, I guess. Introducing people with junk to people who have a way repurpose that junk.
Throwplace is a bit like Freecycle, but with the option to donate to charity. It's a website that looks like it helps you get rid of 'stuff'. Given the number of times I've moved house, I've seen how much clutter can accumulate in the loft, so services like this are ideal.
It's a really good example of 'joined up' thinking too - putting people in touch with organistations that are otherwise too difficult to establish a rapport with. It's an introductory service just like eBay is, I guess. Introducing people with junk to people who have a way repurpose that junk.

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