The Wedge Card
Posted by duncan, 733 days ago

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Reading article "The Wedge Card" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
This is a neat idea - I think Londoners in particular are getting used to credit-card sized things like this, similar to the Oyster card for travelling on buses and the tube.
The Wedge Card is a Oyster-style card for buying goods at a number of local shops, with 25-50% of the price of each card bought going towards local charity projects. Users of the card get access to discounts and special offers, so the incentive is both personal and societal.
From the website:
"The Wedge Card is a new way to get discounts and special offers from hundreds of local shops and independent businesses. Our aim is to re-vitalise local communities by offering an affinity scheme to customers using local shops and services. It also supports local charities, with 25%-50% of the price of each card bought going directly to projects in your area. Initially launching in Central London, we aim to spread across the city in the months to come."
Nice idea, and a very 'ecolocal' logo too: "Think Local. Shop Local"
This is a neat idea - I think Londoners in particular are getting used to credit-card sized things like this, similar to the Oyster card for travelling on buses and the tube.
The Wedge Card is a Oyster-style card for buying goods at a number of local shops, with 25-50% of the price of each card bought going towards local charity projects. Users of the card get access to discounts and special offers, so the incentive is both personal and societal.
From the website:
"The Wedge Card is a new way to get discounts and special offers from hundreds of local shops and independent businesses. Our aim is to re-vitalise local communities by offering an affinity scheme to customers using local shops and services. It also supports local charities, with 25%-50% of the price of each card bought going directly to projects in your area. Initially launching in Central London, we aim to spread across the city in the months to come."
Nice idea, and a very 'ecolocal' logo too: "Think Local. Shop Local"


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At the moment they haven't got many businesses using the scheme, but I did notice there are quite a few websites accepting it.
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Think you must be looking in the wrong place, there's loads of shops all across london, look -
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Numbers certainly seem to be increasing. I think that when I last looked it was very much in its infancy. Thanks for pointing out there are more there now.
have you used the scheme? Are you part of it? If so, what's your view of it?
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Yeah, brought one a couple of months ago AND I LOVE IT! I have managed to get loads of discounts and free things. Having lived in Barcleona for a while I was really jealous of their little independents that we're loosing so quickly over here! I thought this was a great way of helping them out. I love shopping with my Wedgecard - when you go into the shops and ask about the offer you feel like your part of a special community.They've got bars, restaurants, cafes, electritians, butchers, clothes shops, wholefoods, lighting shops, galleries, delis - yes - everything I need! Also, as a cardholder you can reccommend places in your local area that you think should be a Wedge business, and Wedge will get them to join! I love the charity side too. Just seems win-win to me! How are other cardholders finding it?
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