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The new commuter belt

Posted by duncan, 905 days ago

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Reading article "The new commuter belt" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
File under: Just because you can, doesn't mean you should.

"Fed up with over-priced cities and overcrowded trains? The new breed of commuters are going to fly into work from their homes in Spain and eastern Europe, claims a trendspotting report."

It won't be cheap to commute across borders for ever, it puts more pressure on your work colleagues, you're not there for the facte-to-face contact you have with staff and it self-evidently damages the planet. You really couldn't "couldn't afford this quality of life in London" - so who's paying for it?


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  1. Re: The new commuter belt by Green Diva, 904 days ago

    This is really over the top! I have to confess that it would be kind of nice...but no way could I justify it.

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  2. Re: The new commuter belt by ninikins, 904 days ago

    Wow - ridiculous! I'm sure it would be "nice" at first but you'd be so sick of it after a while and the COST must be outrageous.

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