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The Eco Dish Washer

Posted by duncan, 742 days ago

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Reading article "The Eco Dish Washer" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
There's no need to wash dishes by hand if you've got a dish washer, so long as it's a relatively new one, as this blog post explains:


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  1. Re: The Eco Dish Washer by jane, 742 days ago

    It's not the first time that I've read that a dishwasher is better. Logically, if a dishwasher uses about 15-20 litres to do a load, then it is a lot less water than you use to wash by hand as the bowl takes 7 or 8 to fill, and unless you hardly fill the dishwasher (as waste in more senses than one) then you've always got more than 3 bowls of washing up in there, and that's ignoring the water that is wasted when you're running the taps waiting for the water to heat up (although I do try to use that for rinsing really dirty things plus the bottles etc for recycling).

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