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Thames Water To End Hosepipe Ban?

Posted by duncan, 727 days ago

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Reading article "Thames Water To End Hosepipe Ban?" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
Nine months after introducing the first hosepipe ban in 15 years, Thames Water are *considering* an end to their hosepipe ban.

It's news like this that makes all that water saving (turning the tap off when you brush, etc) seem fairly fruitless. Combined with rising prices, it's not the best move by Thames Water.


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  1. Re: Thames Water To End Hosepipe Ban? by ecosrights, 689 days ago

    news in the local paper last week said that the hosepipe ban had now come to an end.

    In fact, here is the link confirming that it was lifted on the 18th Jan, although they are still asking that people are careful with their water usage. Personally speaking, I think that there should be some limits on usage as I think that the ban has educated people significantly on the use of water over the past few months and simply lifting it is likely to mean that many forget about the good practices they have put into place.

    It certainly doesn't mean that you shouldn't be buying a water butt and putting a water saving device into your toilet cistern.

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