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British Motor Show goes Green

Posted by Laura, 475 days ago

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Reading article "British Motor Show goes Green" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Today is the first public day at the British Motor Show in the London Docklands. This year alternatively fuelled cars have made it to the show. In addition to green fuelled cars, all cars are showing green labels displaying their carbon emissions, to allow people to compare cars based on environmental costs. Hopefully this will help to make more people aware of the damage that petrol and diesel cars are costing our environment.


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  1. Re: British Motor Show goes Green by Green Diva, 474 days ago

    I love motor shows and boat shows too. Really cool. It's about time don't you think?

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  2. Re: British Motor Show goes Green by ecosrights, 474 days ago

    I hope that the carbon emission display is a start to come in line with France, where they have energy ratings on the cars as well.

    I dream of the day that it stops large car buyers from buying gas guzzlers!

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  3. Re: British Motor Show goes Green by ninikins, 474 days ago

    Green cars are really coming in to the public eye right now - this is the perfect time for something like this. sounds great.

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