Green news and views
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Latest Home life posts in UK, Page 29
- Quick and easy self-watering garden planters by duncan, 874 days ago This is a clever, do-it-yourself guide to making some self-watering garden planters from a few household things. Recycling *and* garden-friendly, w...
- What can we do to reduce our water usage by jane, 874 days ago It seems that no matter what happens, there are going to be drought orders in the south of England within the next few months (although the amount ...
- Green builders by jane, 874 days ago Andrew and his team did some work for us on the last house and they did a great job of it. They will use materials that are sympathetic to the buil...
- Architecture for humanity by ecosrights, 875 days ago
- Freecycle by Tracy Stokes, 875 days ago
- Here eco by suttree, 875 days ago
- Ecotopia by suttree, 875 days ago
- Eco screed by suttree, 875 days ago
- Write to them by duncan, 875 days ago
- Urbane living by duncan, 875 days ago