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Posted by Bettina, 474 days ago

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Reading article "Vitamins" - Reply to this / 3 comment(s)
Do you take them? Sometimes I do, sometimes not.

Doctors and scientists can seem to agree whether they're worth the trouble. For now, I'll continue. Reply to this


  1. Re: Vitamins by duncan, 455 days ago

    Personally, I don't anymore. I've taken Cod Liver Oil tables once or twice, but never for any great length of time.

    It's a huge industry, though. It seems to capitalise on people's desire to be healthier, but not by eating more healthily.

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  2. Re: Vitamins by ecosrights, 455 days ago

    My general advice would be that your vitamins should come from your diet. I have to admit that sometimes I do take additional iron when I'm feeling run down or if i know I'm not eating brilliantly (if life is particularly hectic and I'm not managing to cook a decent meal in the evening and take veg for lunch) then I'll take it as a precautionary measure as I know I have a tendency to suffer from anemia, but that's pretty much it. I've tried other things over the years, but never really noticed any difference! I think it's predominantly hype and laziness.

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  3. Re: Vitamins by Green Diva, 455 days ago

    I think it depends really. When I lived in a big city I took vitamins because for the anti-oxidant effect. Not a multi though. I tailored the type of vitamins to me needs. Now I'm in the country I don't take vits. anymore. That said, as a mom of two 2 yr. olds I am non the go and not eating properly. i probably SHOULD be taking vitamins again!

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