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Organic food near Pontefract, West Yorks

Posted by telegraph.hill, 1501 days ago

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Reading article "Organic food near Pontefract, West Yorks" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Does anyone know where I can buy organic food within easy reach of Pontefract in West Yorkshire?

I know of an organic food shop in Leeds, but that is fifteen miles away, and I only go into Leeds once a week. Reply to this


  1. Re: Organic food near Pontefract, West Yorks by duncan, 1501 days ago

    What about Abel & Cole? They'll deliver to you, the food is great and I've been using them for a few months quite happily. This is the box that I received just the other day:

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  2. Re: Organic food near Pontefract, West Yorks by ecosrights, 1501 days ago

    There is Out of this World in Leeds, which, if it is anything like the one in Newcastle, will deliver, and is excellent.

    Of you could go for one of the box schemes in the area for fruit and veg - Brickyard Organic Farm deliver as well. Their telephone number is 01977 617 327.
    Have a look at this list, there might be something else that is close to you (my knowledge of the geography of West Yorkshire isn't too good I'm afraid)

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