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Posted by suttree, 482 days ago

Tags: soy health

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Reading article "Anti-Soy?" - Reply to this / 13 comment(s)
Seems like Soy is no longer a 'wonder food', not that I knew it was ever that to begin with.

"The vegetable in the hairy pod is a pretty complicated bean. Native to China and Japan, it is termed the "king of legumes" because it has the most complete protein of any member of the pea family. It is high in calcium, magnesium and vitamin B, and contains estrogen-like chemicals -- isoflavones."


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  1. Like most things by jane, 482 days ago

    Surely it's like everything else - just don't go overboard with it!

    Nothing is a miraculous wonder food. There are benefits to soy - if nothing else it's a very low fat protein - but as with anything, there can be too much of a good thing.

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  2. Exactly by Green Diva, 481 days ago

    Here in the US people go overboard on everything!!! Theyll have soy bacon, soy burgers, soy milk, soy protein bars, and soy desserts. Too much soy or anything else is not too good. I personally don't eat soy at all.

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    1. Re: Exactly by jhoffman, 473 days ago

      Haha! That is the impression I get over here - the overboard American thing!

      Soy is hideously tasteless though, right? It's like softened rubber; I don't like it much at all...

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      1. Re: Re: Exactly by jane, 472 days ago

        we eat tofu a couple of times a week. A really tasty way of cooking it is to coat it in a mixture of cornflour with salt and pepper (plus chilli if you're brave) then shallow fry it so that it goes crispy and serve with rice and sweet and sour veg - YUM!

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        1. Re: Re: Re: Exactly by Green Diva, 457 days ago

          I have had tofu cooked this way and it is pretty good. I've also tried tempeh (gag!) and soy bacon and veggie burgers, which have soy protein in them. I prefer the straight tofu though.

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    2. Re: Exactly by suttree, 469 days ago

      Like soy candles?


      I didn't even know these existed!

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      1. Re: Re: Exactly by Green Diva, 460 days ago

        OMG! Here in the US there is soy everything. You can hardly find any foods or cosmetics, lotions etc that DON'T have soy in them. Soy is cheap filler.

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  3. varity by jules, 479 days ago

    eatting a balanced diet with plenty of various tyoes of food is the key to 'wonder health, super health'

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    1. Re: varity by suttree, 479 days ago

      Spot on - it's a simple fact but a varied diet of fresh food is healthy and will help you lose an excess weight.

      It's the same as saying that a small amount of exersize every day is going to keep you healthy and free of flab. People just don't like to hear it, and I'm one of them sometimes :)

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      1. Re: Re: varity by Green Diva, 449 days ago

        Isn't that the truth! I too believe that balance is the key to health. Don't go overboard on any one thing. And, stay away from fads!

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  4. Re: Anti-Soy? by Anonymous, 173 days ago


    Pure nonsense, THERE IS NO ESTROGEN IN SOY.

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    1. Re: Re: Anti-Soy? by EviesEarth, 173 days ago

      No not actual estrogens, but phytoestrogens. They mimic estrogen. People with certain conditions should avoid foods that have estrogen qualities.
      Also, soy should only be consumed if it is organic. I speak mostly about the US here, but it is one of the most genetically modified organisms grown. Along with corn.

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      1. Re: Re: Re: Anti-Soy? by ecosrights, 170 days ago

        In the UK the two biggest brands for soya products are probably Cauldron (tofu and food products) and Alpro (milk and associated products) and both state that there soya is non-GM and from managed areas that have not lead to the destruction of forest.

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