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An interview with the founder of Green & Black's Organic Chocolate

Posted by duncan, 939 days ago

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Reading article "An interview with the founder of Green & Black's Organic Chocolate" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
Nice interview and for Treehugger, well deserved too. Complete with an interesting response to the notion of 'selling out' now that Green & Black's are owned by Cadbury:

"The future of green business lies with the customer; green businesses will emerge continuously to take advantage of the leading edge of ethical consumerism. The great thing nowadays is that they tap into a much more enlightened market than we suffered just a decade or so ago when people used to ask us dumb questions like “What are you going to do when the organic fad burns out?” Now a savvy entrepreneur can build up a good business, create a brand with value, capture their niche and sell the business or expand it with venture capital. In the old days you just sat and watched as a big company barged in and captured your market -- muesli, yogurt, brown rice and fruit juice sweetened jams are just a few food examples -- and supermarkets knocked you off with their own brands. Green & Black’s just caught this wave; if we’d launched it in 1980 we’d never have attained the critical mass to make it a valuable acquisition for a company like Cadbury’s."


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  1. Great quotes by duncan, 939 days ago

    They deserve pulling out of that mass of text:

    1. "The future of green business lies with the customer; green businesses will emerge continuously to take advantage of the leading edge of ethical consumerism."

    2. "A savvy entrepreneur can build up a good business, create a brand with value, capture their niche and sell the business or expand it with
    venture capital."

    3. "If we’d launched it in 1980 we’d never have attained the critical mass to make it a valuable acquisition for a company like Cadbury’s."

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  2. Re: An interview with the founder of Green & Black's Organic Chocolate by ecosrights, 813 days ago

    I find the last comment that you have pulled out one of the most interesting - it's all about timing. I suppose, that's one of the reasons why we have launched this site now, not 2 years ago - it's only now that green / sustainable living is sufficiently at the forefront of people's minds for the site to grow and survive (let's hope so anyway). 2 years ago, as I found when looking for information about real nappies, advice was always very extreme, there was no / little "real" life advice out there.

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