hello i was wondering since vegitarians dont get alot of protein because the main source of protein from meat is gone, is it okay to take protein supplements to maintain your protein levels? or are there other ways of getting protein like beans and cheese?
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Sombrero Fallout 904c2f2f-4e79-40b4-8830-16b4909b1948 The wearer of this fallout will receive many funny looks, but there can be no doubt that this is truly a king Sombrero in a world reduced to poor imitations.
Hi duncan
Its been over five years, since i found i had diabetes, since i began to adopt a prehistoric diet, goggle lead me to dr.schnitzer.com in the black forrest, then later i came upon rawfoods.com and the book, Natures First Law, the raw food diet, and my eyes were opened, i claim no credit, its all in the book. l understand what you say, its not easy overturning the habits of a lifetime, the addiction to cooked foods, for thats what it is, begins before birth, in the womb, my rebirth began the moment l saw the truth, that cooked food IS poison, so simple, so true. ln many ways, life would have been easier had i not stumbled across this truth, my life isnt the same, there i was ,nipping out for a pint every night, grabbing a takeaway on the way home, not even vegetarian, eating piza, curry ,fish and chips ,disabled and retired with oteoarthritis, then this happens.Three weeks later l threw my stick away, bought a bike, havent drove my car since, stopped all medicines under the scrutiny of the practice nurse, she said see you in 12 mths, havent been back, that was in 2002. My buddies in the local organic movement saw all this, i get invited to mens health events, to give advice, they pay expenses sometimes, i feel lm being used, and no-one takes this seriously, so i understand your comment about it not being an attainable lifestyle, yet i cant give up, seeing my friends and family getting sick keeps me going, i lost a stepdaughter last year,cancer, so now you know were i m coming from. let me think on new disussion, lve been trying to put all this together in a coherent fashion but it just all seems to be going deeper.
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Hi Jack,
Thanks for the reply - it's certainly helped me understand why you've made the decisions you have. I'm extremely sorry to hear about your step-daughter. Cancer is something I have only very limited experience and knowledge of, so I don't think I can truly understand what that was like.
I do still find the idea of cooked food as poison a strange one, but I'm more than willing to accept that your diet has had a huge impact on your lifestyle - that in itself is excellent news. Perhaps you could give me an idea of what a typical meal looks like for you? Or, as you've suggested, put all this into a new discussion where we can talk about it more.
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