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Vegitarians and supplements

Posted by blindboy, 58 days ago

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hello i was wondering since vegitarians dont get alot of protein because the main source of protein from meat is gone, is it okay to take protein supplements to maintain your protein levels? or are there other ways of getting protein like beans and cheese? Reply to this article / Report this article
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Re: Vegitarians and supplements by jack, 818 days ago

I am a raw foodist, a while ago it dawned on me that we know very little about nutrition, i,ve heard that a single living cell has around ten thousand working parts, this includes plants with their lifegiving forces, plant grows in soil consuming digested protoplasm from bacteria that feed on minerals in rockdust, as the plant grows it captures photons from the sun though its leaves that are converted into living sugars as fruit. There are 92 elements(minerals) on earth, grass contains 82 of them, just look how fit grazing animals are, a heffer is 65lbs at birth and 400lbs at 12mths old, all that hoof, horn and bone in such a short time, and yet we are told there is hardly any calcium in grass and clover, so where does it come from? Well, my view is that their cells dont require a sofisticated diet, all plants must contain most of the elements in differing proportions, cows take what is available and their cells synthesis what they need. Raw plant materials are all humans need for fuel, cooked food is poison.

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  1. Re: Re: Vegitarians and supplements by duncan, 816 days ago

    Hello Jack,

    How long have you been a raw foodist for? I've got to admit that saying 'cooked food is poison' seem very definitive! I'd love to learn more about your diet so that I can see where you're coming from.

    Personally, I've a feeling that you may well be right but for the majority of people that's not an attainable lifestyle. I'm quite interested in discovering ways to give people the information to make decisions about how many vegetable they eat, where they get their food from and how it is produced.

    Just as I'd like this website to be a good resource for those kinds of ideals, doesn't meant that people can't find out about raw foodies too. How about starting a new discussion dedicated to the facts and figures behind your diet?

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  2. Re: Re: Vegitarians and supplements by duncan, 724 days ago

    I might have posted this before, but for anyone searching for information about the raw food diet, About.com has a decent guide here...


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