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Latest Health posts in UK, Page 6
- Flora london marathon uk route planner by duncan, 731 days ago For those of you keeping your New Years resolutions and still aiming to run a marathon, here's a handy route planner.
- Free car recycling in the eu by duncan, 738 days ago As of yesterday, cars in the European Union can be recycled for free! Previously this has been the case for cars made after 2002 but the EU have...
- Proof that airports need wind turbines by duncan, 749 days ago Not only would wind turbines cut their energy bills, they'd also solve this fog problem too! OK, it would make landing a bit more difficult, but...
- High iq link to being vegetarian by suttree, 756 days ago
- Mcdonalds forced to close by suttree, 763 days ago
- A green pre-budget by duncan, 764 days ago
- Suscon by duncan, 774 days ago
- The green south east by duncan, 774 days ago
- Asda unveils first "zero waste to landfill... by duncan, 774 days ago
- Junk food advertising ban by ecosrights, 781 days ago