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High IQ link to being vegetarian

Posted by suttree, 665 days ago

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Reading article "High IQ link to being vegetarian" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
It's from the BBC, the headline is theirs. It's more than a bit misleading since they include people who eat fish and/or chicken as vegetarian, which is quite wide of the mark as far as I'm concerned.

Anyway, it's a study that has 'found those who were vegetarian by 30 had recorded five IQ points more on average at the age of 10'. Here's the real story, though:

"There was no difference in IQ score between strict vegetarians and those who said they were vegetarian but who reported eating fish or chicken."

So, eating vegetables is good for you - it's healthy and will probably increase your IQ (although that could be tied to your socioeconomic circumstances too). To be honest, I'd love to see a similar study into the benefits of raw food, as that's much more intriguing right now.


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