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Free Car Recycling In The EU

Posted by duncan, 738 days ago

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Reading article "Free Car Recycling In The EU" - Reply to this / 0 comment(s)
As of yesterday, cars in the European Union can be recycled for free!

Previously this has been the case for cars made after 2002 but the EU have pushed ahead, something of an unpopular move with car manufacturers, and as of 2007 cars of any age can be recycled. Clearly, this is excellent news, especialy given that more than 80% of the car can be recycled.

Here's a link to the End of Life Vehicles Proposal, from the EU website in case you need to read it all.

Elsewhere, Waste Online has a great list of tips for what you can do prior to recycling your car, and they've also got a good list of what can be recycled from each component of your car:

"Approximately 76% by weight of the average car is metal, most of which is comprised of sheet steel. The overall metal content of cars has declined rapidly during the past 20 years accompanied by an increase in the proportion of non-ferrous metals used in their manufacture, such as aluminium and magnesium. Currently about 98% of the metals in a car are recycled."

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - Great stuff!


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