Green news and views
Have you got a green event or business, or a family focussed event (or series of events) that you would like to publicise? If so, simply register and add it to your region on our site.If you're looking for something to do or some information about living a greener and healthier life style, please check out our events, posts or discussions and feel free to join in any of the conversations.
Events this week in Hampshire
- Mother and baby group by Rosa, 279 days ago A nurturing and supportive group which is beneficial to mother and baby. These classes are a great way to meet other new mums and bond with your ba...
- Birth preparation classes with yoga based ... by Rosa, 279 days ago These classes are designed to increase awareness of your pregnant body, your baby growing within you and unravel some of the mysteries surrounding ...
- Karma yoga by jane, 864 days ago Metaphysics, Karma Yoga, discussions & healing service. 7-9pm. 26 St Leonards Way, Ashley Heath, Ringwood. Details Aetheruis Society 01425 4783...
- Farmers' market by duncan, 965 days ago
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