Mudchute City Farm
Posted by suttree, 953 days ago

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Reading article "Mudchute City Farm" - Reply to this / 2 comment(s)
"The Mudchute was originally created over 150 years ago. The spoil from the construction of Millwall Dock was dumped onto nearby land. Later, when the dock was completed, the silt that accumulated in the dock was also pumped away and dumped on the land. The spoil and the silt together formed an area the locals referred to as 'The Mudchute'.
Over time, a wild habitat developed and this became a magnet for youngsters to explore, even though the public were not officially allowed access to the land. Many of the older residents on the Isle of Dogs still speak of the illicit adventures they had as children on "The Mudchute"."
Location: Mudchute City Farm / Pier Street, Isle of Dogs, E14. See for more information.
"The Mudchute was originally created over 150 years ago. The spoil from the construction of Millwall Dock was dumped onto nearby land. Later, when the dock was completed, the silt that accumulated in the dock was also pumped away and dumped on the land. The spoil and the silt together formed an area the locals referred to as 'The Mudchute'.
Over time, a wild habitat developed and this became a magnet for youngsters to explore, even though the public were not officially allowed access to the land. Many of the older residents on the Isle of Dogs still speak of the illicit adventures they had as children on "The Mudchute"."
Location: Mudchute City Farm / Pier Street, Isle of Dogs, E14. See for more information.

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