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Posted by ecosrights, 776 days ago

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Reading event "Tree-athlon" - Reply to this / 4 comment(s)
If anyone missed the 5km Race for Life runs in the summer, or doing one of the runs gave them the running bug, they should enter the Tree-athlon.

There are two runs - one is in Battersea Park and for northerners, it's in Cannock Chase Forest, Birmingham

From the messages I've had from them there will be a number of activities during the day for non runners, especially kids. So please register (I'm doing the run! I managed to run 4km last night for the first time without a stop, so with 4 weeks to go, I think I'll be OK!) and do the run.. it's worth it and it's not far. Walk at a reasonable pace and it will take under an hour and you'll still be raising money for a good cause - planting trees in places that need them! After all, trees provide life.


Start date Start date: Sat Sep 23, 2006
End date End date: Sat Sep 23, 2006

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  1. Re: Tree-athlon by ecosrights, 769 days ago

    Well, I've got the T-shirt, set up the sponsorship page... just need to make sure I can run 5km in time! Not doing too well so far - only managed 3.5km on Monday and I was exhausted. Something tells me I'll be walking for a while part way through. It's the thought that counts though and the money of course! (Not the time it takes)

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  2. Re: Tree-athlon by jane, 759 days ago

    Reading the latest bit of info about the run (only 2 weeks away now) there are walks for people watching to identify trees in Battersea Park, which is a great idea to occupy kids who are there watching.

    They've lots of prizes for top fund raisers as well, including a woodland in your name!

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    1. Re: Re: Tree-athlon by Anonymous, 471 days ago

      I would like to register for this run. Please can you forward details to the following address
      32 Dingwall Road Croydon Surrey CR9 3LG

      Lorraine Welch 07891 386 663

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  3. Re: Tree-athlon by jane, 743 days ago

    Well, I did it.... and within my 30 mins target time. Yes, I know that for the fitter people out there, that's not a brilliant time, but for someone who couldn't run the length of the road not so long ago, I don't think it's bad going. If anyone has any recommendations of other 5km runs that take place either later this year or early next I'd be interested to know - one more 5km, then I'll try for a 10 km! (ambitious, I know)

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