What's your biggest social concern?
Posted by ecosrights, 609 days ago
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Back in Dec 06 and Jan 07. WPP Group research unit Millward Brown carried out a survey in the US and UK to find out what people's top social concerns were on each side of the ocean.
Here in the UK the top three were Climate Change, Obesity and Irresponsible Drinking whereas in the US they were Obesity, Risks of Smoking and Oil supplies
I find it quite interesting how the two compare (climate change didn't even reach the top 10 in the US. Likewise Oil supplies weren't in the UK's top 10) and believe that they do reflect the lifestyles on both sides quite significantly. For instance, in the US there is a much greater reliance on cars than in the UK (due to shorter distances, it is more possible to cope without a car here, or at least without using one as much and we tend to drive more efficient cars than the US. I think it's worth mentioning here that General Motors have announced a 90% drop in profits in the first quarter of this year... a big fuel guzzling vehicle manufacturer; whereas Toyota, who makes the Prius and some other very efficient vehicles, have announced profits for the same period)
Both countries have a high reliance on junk foods and other convenience foods, plus a reduction in exercise (partially because of a fear of what might happen to kids if they are allowed to play outside or even in clubs if parents aren't watching them all of the time), hence both being concerned about obesity.
The UK is definitely further ahead in terms of tackling climate change- it's not frowned upon here to be actively reducing your carbon footprint whereas I think the US are about 5 years behind in a lot of areas.
Then there is smoking v. alcohol. Both things that individuals really do impact as they are both choices we each make. I'm glad to see they appear on the lists and hope that it means people are wanting to and are actually making changes.
The results go on to say a number of interesting things including:
"British people are more likely to buy products and services from a company that is active in the community (48%); carbon neutral (27%); labelled fair trade (26%); and involved in RED (11%)."
What are your main social concerns - I think mine have to be climate change, food quality and health in general (this includes drinking and smoking, but smoking is the thing I dislike the most as it affects everyone, not just the smoker.)
Back in Dec 06 and Jan 07. WPP Group research unit Millward Brown carried out a survey in the US and UK to find out what people's top social concerns were on each side of the ocean.
Here in the UK the top three were Climate Change, Obesity and Irresponsible Drinking whereas in the US they were Obesity, Risks of Smoking and Oil supplies
I find it quite interesting how the two compare (climate change didn't even reach the top 10 in the US. Likewise Oil supplies weren't in the UK's top 10) and believe that they do reflect the lifestyles on both sides quite significantly. For instance, in the US there is a much greater reliance on cars than in the UK (due to shorter distances, it is more possible to cope without a car here, or at least without using one as much and we tend to drive more efficient cars than the US. I think it's worth mentioning here that General Motors have announced a 90% drop in profits in the first quarter of this year... a big fuel guzzling vehicle manufacturer; whereas Toyota, who makes the Prius and some other very efficient vehicles, have announced profits for the same period)
Both countries have a high reliance on junk foods and other convenience foods, plus a reduction in exercise (partially because of a fear of what might happen to kids if they are allowed to play outside or even in clubs if parents aren't watching them all of the time), hence both being concerned about obesity.
The UK is definitely further ahead in terms of tackling climate change- it's not frowned upon here to be actively reducing your carbon footprint whereas I think the US are about 5 years behind in a lot of areas.
Then there is smoking v. alcohol. Both things that individuals really do impact as they are both choices we each make. I'm glad to see they appear on the lists and hope that it means people are wanting to and are actually making changes.
The results go on to say a number of interesting things including:
"British people are more likely to buy products and services from a company that is active in the community (48%); carbon neutral (27%); labelled fair trade (26%); and involved in RED (11%)."
What are your main social concerns - I think mine have to be climate change, food quality and health in general (this includes drinking and smoking, but smoking is the thing I dislike the most as it affects everyone, not just the smoker.)

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