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What is your favorite organic dessert?

Posted by angelicwriter, 672 days ago

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Reading discussion "What is your favorite organic dessert?" - Join this discussion / 4 comment(s)
Hi everyone! I have a question. What is your favorite organic dessert? What is your favorite indulgence that you treat yourself too on occasion.

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  1. Re: What is your favorite organic dessert? by EviesEarth, 672 days ago

    Hmm, good question. I would have to say that if it involves chocolate then it would be my favorite!
    I have tried some very good organic ice creams.
    Sometimes, I treat myself to some organic dark chocolate from Trader Joes!

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  2. Re: What is your favorite organic dessert? by RoxyMoron, 671 days ago

    Ah, I go crazy over candy bars, like Dagoba or Endangered Species. I'm not sure if they are organic.
    I agree, ice cream is great, especially the kind made with rice milk!

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  3. Re: What is your favorite organic dessert? by jane, 671 days ago

    Green and Blacks white chocolate ice cream is yum! Especially with some melted chocolate drizzled over it or some grated chocolate - not much though.

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  4. Re: What is your favorite organic dessert? by EviesEarth, 669 days ago

    I have never tried the Dagoba, but the Endangered Species are awesome!! Yummie, giving me a craving now.
    If I may ask-what brand of rice milk ice cream do you prefer. I have tried the Rice Dream and it is ok. I really like the Rice Dream bars, they are really good and the kids love them!

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