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Posted by EviesEarth, 647 days ago

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Reading discussion "Water!" - Join this discussion / 8 comment(s)
Looking for input/opinions on water purifiers. I don't like to purchase bottled water because it gets expensive and it causes more waste in having to dispose of the bottles. Reply to this


  1. Re: Water! by RoxyMoron, 646 days ago

    We used to have a faucet mount but I think we threw it away. Now we just go to the Glacier filtered water stations at stores and it's only around 35 cents or so a gallon (at least where I shop)...not much help on purifiers but much cheaper than bottled water!

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  2. Re: Water! by EviesEarth, 645 days ago

    Is this filtered water a reverse osmosis process? I have seen those stations at the store, never thought to check into them.
    I am trying to find something that is cost effective, filters out lead, fluoride and all the other "nasties" in tap water.

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    1. Re: Re: Water! by RoxyMoron, 643 days ago

      I believe it might be, but I will have to double check.
      I did rather enjoy the faucet mount though, but the one I had was a little old and I think that's why it kinda trickled out...don't know if that's common.

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  3. Re: Water! by Anonymous, 645 days ago

    We actually have a Brita pitcher that works pretty well. The filters are more expensive than I would like to see them but in the end we like the way the water tastes so it's worth it I guess.

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  4. Re: Water! by happy2bg33k, 645 days ago

    I should have logged in, oops! I have nothing to hide about my Brita pitcher, LOL

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  5. Re: Water! by EviesEarth, 644 days ago

    Yes, we have the Brita on Tap one. It seems to work well. I am just not sure it removes nitrates/fluoride from the water.

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  6. Re: Water! by RoxyMoron, 634 days ago

    I wonder if there is a way to test the water coming out of the filters, because when we had our faucet mount, for some reason I wasn't convinced, but who's to say the water I get from the machine is any better! I know you can do the litmus paper PH thing, but that's not really what I'm looking for. Scientists, get cooking!

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  7. Re: Water! by EviesEarth, 634 days ago

    I have seen home type water testers. I guess you send them in a sample and they send you a report about what they have found. May be something to look into. I agree, I just am not sure about the filter we have now.

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