Thinking of the environment
Posted by EviesEarth, 656 days ago
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Reading discussion "Thinking of the environment" - Join this discussion / 6 comment(s)
What are some eco-conscious things you do?
In our home we do a few things-
walk when we can (pick up mail, kids from school), own a hybrid car, support local farms by buying their produce, use cloth diapers, reduce out energy uses whenever we can, try to recycle and reduce the amount of trash we throw out.
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What are some eco-conscious things you do?
In our home we do a few things-
walk when we can (pick up mail, kids from school), own a hybrid car, support local farms by buying their produce, use cloth diapers, reduce out energy uses whenever we can, try to recycle and reduce the amount of trash we throw out.
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Leeds Castle Christmas 2008 by ecosrights
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Father Christmas at the Orc... by ecosrights
Christmas Light switch on 2008 by ecosrights
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I've heard mixed things about cloth diapers, due to the detergents, bleach, & extreme water usage.
We recycle as much as possible; walk, bike, or skateboard when practical, and bring our own mesh grocery bags rather than using paper or plastic. We've gotten comfortable keeping our thermostat @ 60 F in the winter, but we're still struggling to minimize our summer AC usage due to my wife's seasonal allergies - there are about 5 days out of the year when I can keep the windows open without making her miserable, lol!
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We open the windows as much as possible, and keep the heat turned down. OUr basement, which is my office, is quite cold. Since I spend most of my time there, I bundle up and use a small space heater, rather than heat the whole house.
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Regarding the cloth diapers, I use an earth friendly detergent. We do not use bleach for anything in our home. Diapers get washed every 2 days. So the amount of water used(so I read) is about equal to flushing the toilet 5-6 times a day.
Yeah, the AC is a tough one for us too. I am very sensitive to the heat. I try to run it only a few hours a day when it is super hot. (90 or more-LOL)
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We recycle as much as we can, turn off lights and water when we don't need them, and whatever produce doesn't get taken from other employees at my job I bring home and throw out back to either grow or fertilize the soil or feed animals. It's not much, but for a busy family, we're trying!
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You may say that it isn't much, but my view is that if everyone made a small effort, including walking or cycling one journey instead of taking the car, and switching devices off when not in use, then it has to have an impact.
I don't believe that we can stop the changes that are currently taking place (global warming etc) but we can slow them down slightly. The way we have developed to live, we have speeded up the process of warming etc, therefore the planet can't adapt at a fast enough rate to compensate for the increase in temperature. If we all do our bit then we can slow down the rate of change and may be, as a consequence not just the planet, but we, as humans, can also adapt to the "new" way of existing.
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That was very well written ecosrights, I completely agree with your point. Some people have a "well what am I supposed to do about it?" attitude. What they don't realize is that everyone doing a little will make a difference!
I think we have a great group of people here that are making an effort to make a difference! All we need to do is share our enthusiasm with everyone we know. :)
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