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Tea or Coffee?

Posted by EviesEarth, 640 days ago

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Reading discussion "Tea or Coffee?" - Join this discussion / 9 comment(s)
What does everyone prefer? I do know that tea is better for you, esp the ones without caffeine. I do like to have a cup of coffee (actually a mocha) once in a while.
I usually try to stay with chamomile, roobios and green tea to name a few. Reply to this


  1. Re: Tea or Coffee? by happy2bg33k, 639 days ago

    Peppermint tea is my favorite for comfort. I drink tea all day long. But, if my system could handle it I would be drinking mocha latte all day long!

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  2. Re: Tea or Coffee? by EviesEarth, 639 days ago

    Yes, I know what you mean about the mochas! Since I am pregnant, I am really avoiding the coffee. And, of course, I have been craving it like crazy!!
    Peppermint tea is wonderful. It is one of the ingredients in a pregnancy tea that I drink daily.

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  3. Re: Tea or Coffee? by RoxyMoron, 639 days ago

    We sell organic coffee, so it's not too bad for ya ;)
    We also have coffee alternatives which I believe are made from either soy or a certain kind of nut.
    I'm considering trying them out since I think I should really lay off the caffeine (coffee drinker EVERY DAY since 5 years old, I'm 23 now)...might do me some good!

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  4. Re: Tea or Coffee? by EviesEarth, 638 days ago

    Yeah, coffee is super addicting (at least for me!)
    I have heard of the coffee replacements, made of a certain nut. There is also the mocha mate. Made by Guakuyaki. (think I spelled that right.) It is really good. It does have caffeine though because of the mate.

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    1. Re: Re: Tea or Coffee? by RoxyMoron, 637 days ago

      Oh yeah! Guayaki I think...I'll have to double check haha. Our popular brands of coffee alternatives are by Teecino, Pero, and Cafix. I have been thinking about getting them...I want to wean off the caffeine!

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  5. Re: Tea or Coffee? by ecosrights, 638 days ago

    Something made me stop drinking tea and coffee when I was about 18 - I've had a couple of cups of conventional tea since and they aren't as good as I expect. Decent coffee does smell really good though. Instead, for a hot drink I tend to have lemon and ginger infusion or orange, honey and ginger (the ginger is a great pep me up in the mornings)

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    1. Re: Re: Tea or Coffee? by RoxyMoron, 635 days ago

      The only reasons I ever want to quit caffeine are when I am too drained the rest of the day, or when I get a little jittery (which is rare), but usually if I have more than 2 cups a day, my lymph nodes swell and it is painful. That is enough to make me worry and want to quit!
      Soon I am going to try to kick the habit.

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    2. Re: Re: Tea or Coffee? by RoxyMoron, 635 days ago

      The only reasons I ever want to quit caffeine are when I am too drained the rest of the day, or when I get a little jittery (which is rare), but usually if I have more than 2 cups a day, my lymph nodes swell and it is painful. That is enough to make me worry and want to quit!
      Soon I am going to try to kick the habit.

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  6. Re: Tea or Coffee? by EviesEarth, 637 days ago

    mmm, that sounds really good. I can also imagine that would be a great "pregnancy morning-sickness" drink!
    Thankfully I am well past the morning sickness thing. :)

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