We want ecolocal to be as friendly and welcoming as possible. To achieve that, this is meant to be a place for all those simple tips and tricks that we've picked up along the way.
If you know of a good 'how to', then join in this discussion and share your tips. Remember, everyone was a newbie at one point in their life :)
Heres's my list of websites that can help you answer the important question - 'How can I be Green?'
* Ecostreet has plenty of ideas for making the most out of grey water.
* The Independent gives you 7 days to Green your life.
* The Times has a comprehensive guide to how to be green.
* Tom Chance has some useful tips too.
* The Green Guy has a selection of ethical tips
* 4ecotips has a list of
eco tips too.
* Treehugger (again) has a list of alternatives to traditional dry cleaning.
Seen a good website that's not on the list? Got some tips to share to help us be green? Join this discussion and share..
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And here's some more information to get you started:
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If you have unwanted items you would like to send to Africa or other countries, you can post this on http://www.spiraluniverse.org, a website geared at Christians involved in positive initiatives.
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