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Oil And The End Of Suburbia

Posted by duncan, 770 days ago

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Reading discussion "Oil And The End Of Suburbia" - Join this discussion / 3 comment(s)
I found this video on YouTube today. It made me realise that we haven't had a debate about oil here on ecolocal. What do you think? Use the comments form below to tell us how you think we should reduce our dependency on oil and make the difficult change towards a more sustainable lifestyle.

The End of Suburbia (52 minute documentary on Oil)


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  1. Re: Oil And The End Of Suburbia by londonwanderer, 764 days ago

    It's a good film, saw it a couple of years ago.
    One of the vital but largely ignored steps to sustainability is getting our money out of oil. Much of our pensions, savings and insurance are being invested in an aggressive drive for new oil.

    For anyone near London, go to http://www.andwhilelondonburns.com and do this guided tour-opera-thriller about climate change & banks - it'll make you see the City through new eyes.

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  2. Re: Oil And The End Of Suburbia by londonwanderer, 764 days ago

    just found a review of the walk by The Independent:

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  3. Re: Oil And The End Of Suburbia by suttree, 763 days ago

    Hi londonwanderer,

    Welcome, and thanks for the links!

    This time of year is my favourite for taking a walk around London, especially around dusk as the street lights come on and the roads aren't that busy, yet. London's a very magical place and I'll have to take a look at guided tour :)

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