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Posted by angelicwriter, 648 days ago

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Reading discussion "Husbands...." - Join this discussion / 5 comment(s)
How many women husbands disagree with living eco friendly and you're having a hard time getting them to embrace the new lifestyle? Reply to this


  1. Re: Husbands.... by happy2bg33k, 647 days ago

    I'm really lucky to have a husband who thinks about these things very much the way I do. Thus all the changes we are trying to implement in our household are a joint venture.

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  2. Re: Husbands.... by RoxyMoron, 646 days ago

    I'm not married but hopefully eco-friendly women will have someone understanding of their beliefs and ideas, or else there'd be a lot of conflicts!

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  3. Re: Husbands.... by EviesEarth, 646 days ago

    When I first began with changing our lifestyle my hubby was a bit resistant. Then he began to see the changes in our home and how he felt. Now he is all for it. It does help when your husband is supportive.

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  4. Re: Husbands.... by RoxyMoron, 645 days ago

    I guess if you show them the difference it makes and easy ways to be more eco friendly, he would be more understanding. Guys usually don't go for ideas, they go for proof and you just gotta show them!

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    1. Re: Re: Husbands.... by suttree, 643 days ago

      Spot on - sometimes recycling is a time saver. Having two bins in the house means you have to empty them less! We're simple creatures, so explain it to us clearly and if there are advantages we'll find them. Eventually :)

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