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Favorite natural skin care companies....

Posted by EviesEarth, 637 days ago

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Reading discussion "Favorite natural skin care companies...." - Join this discussion / 8 comment(s)
I personally like Aubreys Organics. Their hair care is the best. Very well priced for natural/organic products. There are many new companies offering great products. Much more than years ago. One still has to read the labels well though. Especially if you are trying avoid parabens and preservatives. Reply to this


  1. Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by happy2bg33k, 636 days ago

    I must admit I am not particularly good about reading labels when I am looking for skin products. The reality is that I pretty rarely use them, or at least not on a regular basis, so there's nothing that I am looking for. Hair care is a different story though!

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  2. Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by EviesEarth, 636 days ago

    My skincare routine is very basic. Mostly just a soap/cleanser twice a day and a moisturizer in the morning. At night I like to use sweet almond oil on my facial skin.

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  3. Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by RoxyMoron, 636 days ago

    I kind of like their products too. We usually get the most feedback on Burt's Bees stuff. There is a brand I like that has a lot of good haircare stuff, I will have to get back to you on the brand.

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  4. Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by EviesEarth, 635 days ago

    Burts Bees has great products. I only wish they would use more organic ingredients. I also wish they would stop using "fragrance" and use real essential oils instead.

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    1. Re: Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by RoxyMoron, 635 days ago

      That's an idea. I wonder if there are any companies that sell a product like that? It might run higher than Burt Bee's, I'm sure.

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  5. Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by EviesEarth, 634 days ago

    There are many companies that sell products without added fragrances, only fragrance is essential oils. Aubreys Organics is one of many. I have found some companies to be more expensive than others. You have to search around.
    For baby skin care type products EarthMamaAngelBaby is the best! Yes, they are considerably more expensive. What I have found with natural products is that one usually has to use less as they are more concentrated.

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    1. Re: Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by RoxyMoron, 634 days ago

      Oh ok I have heard about Aubreys, our store carries a few of their products. That may be what we had samples of that I really liked!

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  6. Re: Favorite natural skin care companies.... by EviesEarth, 633 days ago

    I love their hair care. Their sun care products are good too. Use them for our little ones.
    Real Purity is also a great company. I also like to support homegrown type companies. I have found some of the best products this way! I have even signed on to be a rep at some of them!

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