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Eco freindly Textiles

Posted by vicarooo, 791 days ago

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Reading discussion "Eco freindly Textiles" - Join this discussion / 4 comment(s)
I would like to find out as much as possible about eco Freindly fabrics and printing tecniques. Reply to this


  1. Re: Eco freindly Textiles by ecosrights, 791 days ago

    Hi Vicaroo

    Are you looking for information about just fabric, or garments?

    Let us know and I'm sure everyone will help you find out more.

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    1. Re: Re: Eco freindly Textiles by shinningstar, 790 days ago

      My mother is a dressmaker. She used to make curtains, rags, shorts, shirts and more from ruined gowns and clothes. And those tiny fabric she used to join it and form a new stuffs. I don't know how she did it but it really helped minimize garbage.

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  2. Re: Eco freindly Textiles by ecosrights, 789 days ago

    That's a valid point, green drerssmaking etc is not just about sourcing organic fabric, but also about reusing existing materials to reduce waste. Patchwork quilts are probably one of the most common areas for this sort of thing and they often become heirlooms.

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    1. Re: Re: Eco freindly Textiles by JoP, 789 days ago

      Visiting your local charity shops is a perfect way to recycle clothing and household textiles.........many of my and my partner's clothes have been purchased from charity shops, sometimes I alter them (eg taking out sleeves, cutting bodices off dresses and making them into skirts, dying them) all you need is a bit of imagination and access to a sewing machine. I also have several pairs of curtains at my windows which I have bought in charity shops. I have also bought clothing for my grandson from charity shops - children grow too fast to wear out their clothes! A great way of recycling as well as being a fraction of silly retail prices.

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