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Easter Plans...

Posted by angelicwriter, 652 days ago

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Reading discussion "Easter Plans..." - Join this discussion / 4 comment(s)
What are your Easter Plans? What are some great fun things to do with your kids on Easter? Any cool recipes? or games? Reply to this


  1. Re: Easter Plans... by EviesEarth, 652 days ago

    Our family tradition has been to go to Grandma/Grandpas house and color eggs. There is also an egg hunt. We eat lots of yummy stuff my mom makes. And of course we let the little ones eat their hearts content on candy!!

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  2. Re: Easter Plans... by RoxyMoron, 650 days ago

    My mother did something pretty cool one year.
    After Easter, we separated all of our eggs by color and crushed the shells into almost a fine powder, then drew on construction paper with glue and sprinkled the color of eggshells we wanted in those places. It was a little tricky trying not to get the wrong color in the wrong spot, but that was part of the fun!

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  3. Re: Easter Plans... by EviesEarth, 649 days ago

    Thank you Roxy! I will be doing this with my little ones! They will love it. I am always looking for new types of crafts to do with them.
    They will really enjoy it since they get to color the eggs on Easter.
    The kids don't know it yet, but my parents bought each of the kids a duckling this year. Of course the duckies will stay at the ranch where my parents will care for them. Each grandchild will have their own and be able to name it.

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    1. Re: Re: Easter Plans... by RoxyMoron, 648 days ago

      Ducklings! How sweet!
      As for the egg project, it will be very messy! Save some newpaper to keep glue and eggshells from getting stuck to the table and floor, haha...

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