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Posted by happy2bg33k, 642 days ago

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Reading discussion "Desalination" - Join this discussion / 7 comment(s)
Does anyway know about the process of desalinating ocean water for consumption? It seems like a wonderful eco-solution to supply problems and a great recycling of resources. I'm curious to know how effective it is. Reply to this


  1. Re: Desalination by RoxyMoron, 642 days ago

    I've always wondered why there hasn't been a way to take the salt out of ocean water to make it more usuable...I'm sure it's not very easy.

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  2. Re: Desalination by EviesEarth, 641 days ago

    Of course I am only guessing, but I thought that some places were already doing this? Or at least making an effort to.

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  3. Re: Desalination by happy2bg33k, 640 days ago

    I looked it up a little more and found something interesting! Some emergency lifeboats come equipped with a solar powered system of filtration able to desalinate water until help arrives.

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  4. Re: Desalination by EviesEarth, 640 days ago

    hmm, I wonder if there is a future in this for us land living people? My only concern is how polluted the oceans are.

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  5. Re: Desalination by RoxyMoron, 639 days ago

    Well whenever the scientists get their act together and think about it more, it'll probably be long after our time! At least it seems like it...

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  6. Re: Desalination by ecosrights, 639 days ago

    Last year there was an application for a desalination plant on the Thames to serve a portion of London. The mayor was campaigning against it as it would produce less purified water than the amount wasted through leakages in mains pipes and the amount people "waste" at home, never mind the pollution it would have produced.

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    1. Re: Re: Desalination by RoxyMoron, 638 days ago

      Hmm...I wonder if America would ever get the same idea. I'm sure we waste a lot of water! I try not to use it unless I absolutely need to.

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