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Posted by EviesEarth, 626 days ago

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Reading discussion "Books" - Join this discussion / 10 comment(s)
I am looking for some eco-living type books to add to my collection. Any one have any good suggestions? Reply to this


  1. Re: Books by suttree, 626 days ago

    I've not read it yet, but I hear that Off The Grid have a book due soon:


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    1. Re: Re: Books by RoxyMoron, 623 days ago

      I haven't checked the link yet but what is Off the Grid? Sounds like a tv show? What's it about?

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  2. Re: Books by EviesEarth, 625 days ago

    That is an awesome site. Bookmarked it, will be going back to read more.
    Thanks for posting it!

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  3. Re: Books by RoxyMoron, 625 days ago

    I don't really have an eco living book to suggest, but we have a really good recipe book called the Vegetarian Epicure. It's from the 70's and everything my mother made from it was delicious, especially the artichoke soup!

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    1. Re: Re: Books by happy2bg33k, 622 days ago

      Oh, wow, what a blast from the past! My mom had that book and used to make the artichoke soup too. It was great. She also used to put artichoke on pizza and it was surprisingly good.

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  4. Re: Books by EviesEarth, 624 days ago

    Thanks, I will be checking Amazon.com for this book. I am always looking for good vegetarian books.

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  5. Re: Books by RoxyMoron, 624 days ago

    I also suggest checking out Ebay...sometimes you may get a better deal there, sometimes it's better at Amazon...I heard there was a second version of it too but I haven't tried anything from that one.

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  6. Re: Books by Anonymous, 624 days ago

    Don't know if these are too general for you but, here are some of my favourites:
    Natural Capitalism
    David Suzuki Reader (a collection of his essays)
    Cradle to Cradle

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  7. Re: Books by happy2bg33k, 623 days ago

    There's a cool cookbook called "Fish For Thought" which has recipes and suggestions for using fish and replenishing diminishing populations at the same time.

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  8. Re: Books by EviesEarth, 623 days ago

    Wow, thanks for all the good recommendations. The Fish for Thought book sounds really interesting. We really do try to limit our fish intake due to overfishing and due to the pollution in our waters. I will have to look this book up!

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