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Posted by blindboy, 818 days ago

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Reading discussion "Biomass" - Join this discussion / 3 comment(s)
Biomass the new oil of the future. Is biomass safe though? Will biomass just create the same damage on global warming as the current fuels of today? These are all questions that need to be answered. For those of you who do not know what biomass is, it is just organic waste products which have been turned into usable diesel fuel or bio-deisel. Biomass consists mainly of greens and sugar which then can be converted into oil and usable sources of power. Biomass is the new type of alternative energy which could reduce dependency on forgein oil. However, one of hte main questions is, should more money be put towards creating biomass refineries in the government or should more money be concentrated on advancing the electrical transportation program? (note that all trains and 99% of trucks nowadays use diesel becuse diesel gives 30-50% better mileage and the diesel engines last longer) Reply to this


  1. Re: Biomass by duncan, 818 days ago

    Here's a Wikipedia link to help us all get up to speed on Biomass:


    It can also be used for building materials and biodegrabeable plastics, so it's quite versatile. I'm not sure I see a real danger in the use of Biomass but I do understand that funding alternative fuels cuts the progress of alternative means of transport.

    Biomass is something that Governments and big business can fund right now with fairly quick results. Alternative transport arrangements is a long term ideal which is only going to come to fruition through years of education.

    Here's a bit more about Biomass from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory:


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  2. Re: Biomass by Anonymous, 684 days ago

    does any one know if any of the biomass products dangerous if it is how does it affect our health an global energy

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  3. Re: Biomass by Anonymous, 665 days ago

    Here is a free site where users and producers of biomass can advertise their products:


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