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Water restrictions

Posted by oeconomist, 813 days ago

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Reading article "Water restrictions" - Reply to this / 1 comment(s)
We all know about the tougher water restrictions being instituted in Melbourne on November 1st, right? The link takes you to the government site with the official word on what you are and aren't allowed to do.

What I want to know is, how come odd-numbered houses get two watering days in a row whenever a month has 31 days (or 29, as will happen next February) an even-numbered houses never do?


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  1. Re: Water restrictions by ecosrights, 812 days ago

    It's interesting to see that in Melbourne they've taken the approach of alternating days when you can water. Here in the south east of England, there is a hosepipe ban that means you can't water your gardens at all with a hose, only a watering can. Fair enough if it's just for pleasure, but I think it's rather unfair for people growing vegetables as they are doing their bit for the environment by growing their own!

    This does sound like a very complex set of restrictions - hosepipes only for rinsing and prerinsing your car. Why not just say - wash it with a bucket of water! They must be VERY difficult to implement and police.

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