The hits just keep on coming! (copyright every DJ in the world ever, plus a few useless bloggers, like me).

Jewel Thief is a new game available on Playaholics that pretty much ticks every box a decent casual game should tick at the moment. It’s part arcade, part puzzle. Part grouper, part action. There’s even a bit of a stealth element in there too, although stealth games are a bit 2004, of course.

Naturally, the real reason I’m mentioning this is because I wrote Jewel Thief with a huge chunk of help from everyone else at 3RD sense. According to the Mochibot stats it’s doing really well. Most importantly, it’s #1 on the Top Ten Games list on Playaholics itself. So long as it stays in the top 10 for a decent amount of time, then it’ll be a confirmed hit (and there’s some big names in that top 10 list too).

Suttree Beatniks with better clothing About Code Ryan
Links for Thursday, January 1st, 1970