Tuesday 13th July
New: Ryan Gough: A spin-bowler in the making
New: Lightning Pool: Just about the best game of online pool
New: Chickstop: Games for girls who like to play
New: GrokItBot: A Bayesian/AIML instant messaging bot for AIM written in Python

Over and over
I have to acknowledge that what pervades my thinking, what has done for years, is an insistent question.
Do the people who die young, know that they will die young?

Recently I have concluded that they do not know this.
I am now convinced that they were asking the same question as I am. Over and over.

http://ohwhen.typepad.com/  Flash MX blog - Flash remoting
http://www.oreilly.com/  Flash Remoting MX lets developers easily integrate rich Macromedia Flash content with applications that are built using ColdFusion, ASP.NET, Java, PHP, or SOAP-based web services. The result is complex client/server applications that more closely resemble desktop applications than traditional web pages.
http://www.flash-remoting.com/  Random thoughts on Flash Remoting:
http://www.scifi.com/  Watership Down, Sci-Fi, General Woundwort and a large country nearby.
http://www.alistapart.com/  Smarter Image Hotlinking Prevention
http://raibledesigns.com/  Groovy == Python?

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Suttree.com | let's have a baby and call it hotel illness