Wednesday 7th July
New: Ryan Gough: A spin-bowler in the making
New: Lightning Pool: Just about the best game of online pool
New: Chickstop: Games for girls who like to play
New: GrokItBot: A Bayesian/AIML instant messaging bot for AIM written in Python

Over and over
I have to acknowledge that what pervades my thinking, what has done for years, is an insistent question.
Do the people who die young, know that they will die young?

Recently I have concluded that they do not know this.
I am now convinced that they were asking the same question as I am. Over and over.

Links  mach_inject is an open-source package (BSD-style license), coded in C to the Mach API, which allows you to inject code into another process. Injection means both 1) copying over the necessary code into the target's address space and 2) remotely creating a new thread to execute the code.  Remind is a sophisticated calendar and alarm program  Unix gems for Mac OSX  Power sessions with screen
http://www4.informatik.uni-erlangen/  Screen FAQ - terminfo and termcap  Scrabble via email  SWF Tools is a collection of SWF manipulation and generation utilities written by Rainer B�hme and Matthias Kramm. It is released under the GPL.

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